By Terry Magee
Under His direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. Eph 4:16 NLT.
The Body of Christ is made effective through relationships, or as the KJV says, “that which every joint supplies”. Each of us is a vital part of God’s plan for His kingdom to be established here on earth. But our part is of little value until it is joined or fitted together with the other parts of the Body. That is why I believe that God is in the relationship-building business. God is in the process of perfectly fitting His Body together. The words “fitted” and “together” require connectedness. The word “fitted” goes beyond just connectedness, implying that there may be some retooling and reshaping required for there to be a proper connection or “fit”.
What do relationships require from me? They require me to reach out beyond my own interests and listen to the heartbeat of those beside me. They require that I be open and transparent so that others can see my heart. They require that I take the time and effort to stay connected with those God wants me joined to. They require me to be selective. There is a reason that the hand is connected to the arm and not the leg. We cannot have this close connected relationship with a lot of people. We must discern those God is calling us to be connected with.
What do relationships give me? They show me a more complete picture of God’s purposes on this earth through the eyes of others. They give me a balance, those who can see into my life and help make adjustments when necessary. They give me strength and support, a safety net so that I am not easily shaken out of my place when adverse circumstances hit me. They provide me with the resources to accomplish far more than I ever could just by myself. They allow me to partner with those who have the same heart and calling so that together we can see God’s kingdom built stronger, faster.
I encourage you to seek out and cultivate those relationships that God has ordained for you with those in the Body of Christ. Make sure that your relationships enable those you are connected with to become all that God has called them to be.