Ecclesiastes 1: 9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
Here are some of the common areas a successful business should focus on.
- Customer Service
- Team Alignment to a Common Goal
- Increase Revenue
- Decrease Costs
- Sales
- Customer Retention
- Hiring and Firing
- Human Resources
- Business System that Keeps all Tasks Organized
- Marketing
I could go on and on. There is no business owner on earth that can focus on everything it takes to run a successful business. Oh, you can try, however it won’t last long as you will crash and burn. I know because there are many times I get into the rut of trying to focus and oversee all aspects of creating success in our business.
If any of you golf you know what the sweet spot is. If you don’t golf, here you go. The sweet spot in golf refers to the specific area on the clubface where the impact with the ball produces the best results. Hitting the sweet spot results in maximum distance, accuracy and ball control. There is also a sweet spot in business and if you can find it you will succeed in all areas you need to focus on.
Here are the areas a Christian Business should focus on for success. I have taken them from the 12-step program for addictions and adjusted them to suit what business owners need to know. Why from there? Because we who own businesses are addicted to success.
- Admitting you are powerless to have a successful business.
- Believing that God is your CEO.
- Deciding to turn your control over to God.
- Taking a personal inventory, why do you want success – your pride, your family or to glorify God.
- Admitting to God, oneself, and another person the wrongs you have done. Taking accountability for your errors in business.
- Being ready to have God correct any shortcomings in your character.
- Asking God to remove those shortcomings.
- Making a list of wrongs done to others and being willing to make amends for those wrongs.
- Contacting those who have been hurt, unless doing so would harm the person. It could cost you financially, but it is better not to lose your soul.
- Continuing to take personal inventory and admitting when one is wrong.
- Seeking wisdom and connection with God via prayer, worship, meditation on the Word and attending a local church.
- Help others in business to see that their focus needs to be on God. When they succeed in that, peace, joy and love of our businesses will rule.
If you are struggling with addiction to a substance, find a Christian 12 step program to help you conquer and succeed in what God has called you to. Here is a link to get you started