Micah 6:8 ESV He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
What if a babies laugh showed you the joy of God?
What if the stern look from a widow, broke your heart like it does God’s?
What if you glanced upon lovers in an embrace and you saw God’s tenderness?
What if you could remember the puppy, when you had to help your sick old dog get to heaven?
Would you see God’s compassion or question why he made their life so short? I must be honest; this week I am struggling with exactly that. Our amazing little dog is too sick to go on. We have done all we can to extend his life and now it is time for our whole family to say our goodbyes.
We watched our kids in tears and our grandkids sobbing, our hearts breaking repeatedly. As I write that statement, I am brought to the stark realization of how our Father in Heaven’s heart is broken, time and time again, when his people reject the Savior he had sent. His heart is broken when we reject the promises God has for us in His Word.
God sent us our little Princey when we were feeling it was time to replace our little COCO girl, who we had to help get to heaven a few years prior. We were given Princey by our nephew. God’s timing and blessing of not having to purchase a pup was oh, so perfect, and so was Princey. He brought so much love and joy into our household. If you have never had a pet, it may be hard to relate, I can only compare it to feeling unconditionally loved. Pets will love you even when you yell at them, or even when you forget to feed them, or even when they have to go out for long periods of time and you miss it. All these things we had unknowingly done. And our Princey would still run to us, wagging his tail and looking for his cuddles.
What if we saw God’s love through those eyes! Even in all our mistakes he loved us enough to send His Son, as a precious baby boy, to a very cold and brutal world. He did that for us so He could know how it feels to walk in this broken world. And He wanted to know us even more so he let His son die for us so we could live.
Christmas is on its way and perhaps it is time to open our eyes to see what God wants us to see and how He wants us to see it. Perhaps it’s time to love the way God wants us to love, without conditions!
Be encouraged God is not done yet, He has the best plan ever!