Patience, diligence, and faith move mountains, not your own strength! Read More
If you stop and pray two times as much as you complain, you may complain less! Read More
When you lose your peace, you lose your power! Read More
The Lord does not say don’t plan for tomorrow. He says don’t worry about tomorrow. Read More
“He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed.” Psalm 107:29 Ever feel like your day was a blur, a hub of constant activity that produced no results? This year for us has felt like that. We are growing and doing all kinds of great things, but it seems there is always so much more to do. In this era of constant communication and information, moving at the speed of the internet, chaos and confusion has almost become a state of normality. We see no way out, its like being in the Read More
James 3:10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Life is full of unseen blessings. How many of us wake up each morning? Blessing # 1; You have a new day in which to discover what the Father has planned for you. Blessings # 2; And, I won’t belabor this one, but do you remember those words spoken by your mother or grandmother? “Finish the food on your plate. There are children starving in other countries”. There is food on your plate today. Each day we have choice to focus Read More
Proverbs 18:10 The LORD is like a strong tower, where the righteous can go and be safe. If life was without storms, what would we learn? I’ve lived my life according to this motto, “God isn’t interested in our comfort, but in our transformation.” Our natural instinct as humans is to create comfort for our lives, and when we don’t experience that comfort, we experience all kinds of unnecessary stress.Here is my insight into the Bible passage from Luke chapter 8. The disciples were frantically waking Jesus, as he slept peacefully in the boat while a vicious storm raged all Read More
Psalms 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. The only time we have total permission from God to become self-absorbed is when in crisis. If you read through Lamentations or the cries of David’s heart in Psalms, you will see how these men are deep in their grief and can’t see anything else but how they are feeling. If God felt it so important to include these stories in the Bible, then it must be important for us to know it is okay, when in deep grief, to focus completely on ourselves. God gave no time Read More