Job Posting Details
Duncan, British Columbia, Canada
Closing Date:
Year Round Staff Opportunities:
As a growing ministry, Camp Qwanoes often has new full-time staff opportunities available to motivated and gifted leaders. Contact Scott Bayley for more information.
Registrar/Business Services Assistant
This vital full-time, year-round, paid position is responsible for all aspects of the camp’s registration, including reception, communication with parents/guests, processing registrations, correspondence, cabin assignment, and coordinating the registration team.
This team player is a ministry oriented, spiritually mature Christian with a deep love for children’s and youth ministry. Must posses excellent organizational, communication and administrative abilities, and a proficiency with computers. Our Registrar is a vital part of our administration team and year-round team.
Challenge Course Leader
In this vital full-time, year-round paid position you’ll be responsible for leading and supervising the camp’s challenge course program including guest activities, staff, safety, equipment, and activity maintenance. You’ll also assist with overall activity operations and a variety of projects, in various program events, and with general operations support as needed. You must have recognizable Christian maturity, substantial belaying and leadership experience, minimum basic first aid and CPR training, very good organizational and communication skills, ability to work well in a team environment, and a love for children’s, youth, and adult ministry. Pay includes room and board, living on-site in the camp community.
About Camp Qwanoes
Qwanoes is a youth oriented, high adventure, innovative, Christ-centred camp seeking to introduce children, youth and adults to a life with Christ. Qwanoes, a local First Nations name meaning ‘peace’ and also ‘new birth,’ is situated on 55 acres of magnificent scenic waterfront property on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The heart of Qwanoes is a heart for kids and for Jesus Christ.
Since 1966 Qwanoes has provided an ideal setting for life-changing, fun-filled adventure. With summer camps, weekend retreats, leadership programs, follow-up, Q-Town music, youth events, and guest group rentals throughout the year, Qwanoes enjoys the spirit of summer all year round!
For more information please contact the Executive Director.
Phone: 250-246-3014 • Toll Free: 888-997-9266 • E-Mail: