Statement of Faith

“I have received Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and believe Him to be the Son of God who has atoned for my sins. Because I believe all aspects of my life to be lived to honor God, I promise to uphold the highest Biblical standards in my transactions and treat my clients with respect and integrity.”

When an advertiser signs this statement of faith, the Statement of Faith logo appears on their ad:

Why a Statement of Faith?

Having boldness and confidence to stand up in a crowd and make a statement about our beliefs can be difficult, particularly in the face of ridicule or persecution. This is the case in many countries where freedom of expression and religious belief is opposed or forbidden. Here in North America, making such a statement will drive some people away, but it will attract others who share the same beliefs or at least respect the standard that such a statement expresses.

By agreeing to the above statement and declaring their faith, our advertisers indicate their intent, by the grace of God, to model their behavior, words and actions in line with the laws and principles of the Kingdom as taught and exemplified by Jesus Christ. They endeavor to conduct their business with the highest level of integrity and morality so customers are assured they will be treated with fairness, equality, and the same spirit of love and care that our Lord expressed. Our advertisers make themselves accountable to this divine standard and request that you hold them to it.