Meet the Publisher
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
When we seek God and follow His will, He will lead us through the challenges, frustrations, confusion, and anger we have all faced over the past few years. We have all had to face covid, cancer, illness, loss or even financial struggles. Placing your faith and trust in God, reading your Bible and investing time in prayer will lead you to the answers we all need. Going through our daily routines without God’s guidance can be like a sailor looking for the harbour without a lighthouse guiding his way. God is our beacon of hope and understanding in dark times, the Bible is like a GPS, offering us direction on safely navigating the waters, and prayer is our direct line to gain understanding of what God is calling us to do.
It has now been over 4 years since Dave passed on February 4, 2020.
We hear quite frequently, from our advertisers, how the Ministry of the Shepherd’s Guide has made a positive impact on their businesses and lives. Hearing this feedback shows that by following God’s will, the ministry that our family has been involved in since 2007 is still on the right path and moving in the right direction. While covid may have impacted us all, God is still in control. As we look to the future, we invite you to join us in praying for growth and prosperity for the Shepherd’s Guide team; past, current, and future advertisers; ministries; schools; and organizations; as we continue to promote and encourage the furtherance of His Kingdom.
Your Shepherd’s Guide Team
We continue to pray for you!
LINDA and TREVOR SZUSZ – Publishers
Did you know...?
We deliver 12000 copies of the Windsor and Essex County directory each year to churches, Christian bookstores, hotels, senior's homes and businesses upon request.
The Shepherd’s Guide now has the strongest online presence for Christian directories. We receive (on average) 5,700 unique visitors per month. We rank first page on Google, Yahoo, Bing & AOL!
We promote The Shepherd's Guide on radio, TV, networking events, concerts and other community activities throughout the year in Windsor and Essex County.
The Windsor & Essex County directory is published in June every year.